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Claire got finally a REAL camera ; in fact, it’s her birthday present with month beforehand. It’s necessary to know that she took photos only with her phone, but by seeing certain blogs, she had to admit all the same that there was no possible comparison

The inconvenience, it’s that we have now a fervent paparazzo in the house ! Momo is also fed up with it, because it’s him who has to play with us to make us move so that Claire can learn to take photos of cats in movement. And as she’s not very talented… that doesn’t stop ! We think even of letting her sign an agreement so that she respects our 18 hours of daily sleep !

When we do not move, it’s already better :


15 thoughts on “Paparazzi

  1. Ann Staub

    You two are so adorable and those are great photos! I am still learning how to shoot Shiner in movement and even the rats, who are the trickiest… it is certainly much much easier with a good camera and good light I’ve noticed.

  2. da tabbies o trout towne

    pixie & zorro, claire has done a great job already with her new camera !! but yes, better get a signed agreement and make sure you ask for double triple overtime pay once she takes past 5 pictures !!

    heerz ta a safe happee week oh end…may de bass bee bountee full in yur bowl ♥

  3. Deztinee High

    Dat’s pawsum. Glad Miss Claire got a camewa and is learnin’ to use it. Ow mommy not be so talented eevew when it comes to da fotos, but hers still twyin’ and learnin’. 🙂 Yous boff lookin’ amazin’. 🙂

    Luv ya’


  4. Nerissa's Life

    MOUSES! You know what this means, don’t you? Your mum is gonna be takin’ your pictures all the time now. Yup, mornin’, noon and night. Again I say… MOUSES! Just needed to be said.


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