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After a mean summer, we take advantage of a sunny and soft weather for two weeks. We remain hours in the garden, and Claire sometimes joins us with a thread to play with us.
I also watch the surroundings from the balcony, we have a better view.
But I know well that it’s autumn : the night quickly falls, and it’s enough fresh in the morning and in the evening so that radiators temper the house.
And you, which autumn do you have in your area ?
It’s been a mild autumn here in England so far, but it’s starting to get quite colder. Mum says she’s glad because she loves cold Autumn weather!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Our Autumn has been nice too

We get to spend lots of time on the porch.
Nice to see you two having fun outside.
You have a nice neighbourhood too
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
What a lovely Autumn you seem to be having sweet ones
here we are having a similar Spring…warm days cooler nights….ah..different seasons similar joys
hugs and enjoy the sunshine..Fozziemum xx
We have had a wonderful autumn until today when it’s turned windy and it’s pouring with rain – at least 15C colder than yesterday. Can’t wait for Spring!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We have only just started autumn here in Wales! It’s very late this year! Which is great! Let’s hope winter is short!
The house I grew up in had those nice radiators- I miss them for warming clothes up on.
We are having a second spring here.. it is kind of interesting..
What beautiful fall pictures. I didn’t catch the black cats name but was wowed by the different coloured eyes.
Oh wow dat’s bootyful. Y’all look gawjus playin’ wiff Claire. It’s still purretty warm here fur which weez awe fankful. Weez hate da cold. Hope yous havin’ a pawsum day.
Luv ya’
We’re in Autumn too and today is the first day of rain and it is getting much colder now..Well, 16 degrees is still good I suppose
Btw you look cool on the crow’s nest, Zorro
So far autumn has been very nice! It has been cool enough outside to open the windows, but not so cold that we need coats. Very comfortable. Mom took us all out on our leashes today it was so nice! We love this time of year.
We had a very dry and warm September but autumn has turned cold and windy with lots of heavy showers.
zorro & pixie…..we have a winter autumn….matter oh fact it just finished hailing outside & states to the north got snow…slight….already….. though it did not stix …hay…do you think Claire will buy you that ponee !!!
We had some great weather about a week or so ago…sunny and mild during the day, cool at night. But then it got really cool…with some rain. Oh well…that’s what autumn is like!
What beautiful photos! We have had one cool day, but we don’t have a real autumn here since we don’t have much of a winter.
You are having some pretty days! Our autumn here is rather brown.
We have lots of cold and the leaves are falling but some nice days too
Looks beautiful where you are
Zorro don’t let Pixie have that string with no supervision. Eating it can hurt kitties but I know you are a good brofur
Whoa! You have a radiator! The peeps used to have them in the old house and Autumn and Nicky loved laying on them like you do. I wish I had them.
Autumn here has been wonderful! We have had lots of sunny days and it’s not very cold out at all!
Great that you two get to go out on the grass
We have radiators just like yours! Some nights we have had to put them on, others, not!
the critters in the cottage xo
It looks very beautiful where you live! Autumn here might as well still be summer. It does cool off a little more in the evenings but mom can’t wait for cooler days.
Will there be snow for Christmas?
RouXy’s Master, a wise man, will say: “Neige en novembre, Noël en décembre” [“Snow in November, Xmas in December”, if you can’t read French]. Let’s wait, then!