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… if you cannot go there !
BlogPaws is an English-speaking platform for pet lovers wich goals are to gather them, to inform them, to educate them in the use of the social media, to professionalize for those who wish it, and to put them in touch with the brands which they buy.
BlogPaws Conference takes place once a year in the United States. This unique conference allows bloggers (sometimes accompanied with their favorite animal), brands of products for animals, photographers, writers, journalists, experts in marketing, sponsors, experts in social networks, veterinarians, pet care organizations, … to meet. Each helps the other one to develop his blog, to earn money with it, to get organized better, to have one better design, to promote his product, to support his cause, or little quite at the same time !
Claire would like to go, but there for the moment, she cannot. That’s the way it is. She knows that she will go once in her life, but she doesn’t just know when. So, what’s to be done ?
- You can complain and moan : every time you see or every time you hear about BlogPaws Conference, let well understand how much you are to be pitied not to be able to go there, and complain abundantly. If you’re good at thisl, you will lose a large part of your subscribers and of your contacts in record time.
- You can do nothing : you are dying to participate in the conference, but as it’s not possible, you never evoke this envy or a temporary regret, and you do just like that. Guaranteed frustration.
- You can use all that BlogPaws proposes as various resources to continue to learn, to inform yourself, and to stay in the race : that’s what Claire tries to do since she’s a member of the community.
What resources ? There are so much… Here is an overview :
- the blog : articles are always source of reflection or inspiration
- the professional bloggers network
- the gains opportunities by running campaigns for brands of pet food or pet articles (or their owner)
- the active, great community : direct contact between bloggers, professionals and non-professionals, is incredibly easy and friendly
- the newsgroups about fascinating subjects
- the activities on various social networks : sharing on : sharing on Facebook, chat on Twitter, hangouts on Google+
- the YouTube channel on which you can watch and watch again chosen moments of the previous conferences and the past hangouts
And it’s all year long !
GIVEAWAY : Don’t miss Pixie’s giveaway on the occasion of her first birthday : try your luck here !
Thank you for sharing! I hadn’t heard about this community before. I just had a look at their pages and I’m interested in becoming more involved.
You should ! It’s great, no matter if you’re a newbie or a professional experimented blogger ! Purrs
Great post! Informative and useful.
Many waggy thanks!

Well said!
We purr Claire gets to a conference someday.
She has the right attitude though.
Reading and learning and getting information, we think she does that pretty well.
We like that she informs us too
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Thank you ! Purrs
Great post about a wonderful group. I wish I was going -hopefully next year.
pixie & zorro… de food gurl iz knot abe bull ta go either N sayz thanx for sharin bout de blogpaws info !! we will hafta vizit de community !! ♥♥
and start saving your pennies and make a ‘get Claire to BlogPaws fund’
Well said!
I’m hoping that I will be able to go to the BlogPaws Conference again this year. Assuming that I do, Claire is always welcome to “borrow my notes” from the conference. I hope that I get to meet her in person one day!
Oh Robin, it’s so kind of you ! She’ll contact you on FB after the Conference. We bet you’ll meet her once, she KNOWS she’ll come once to BlogPaws Conference ! Purrs
Yep we wanna go weally bad. We even hav a ticket, just not da munny fur da twip or woom. Weez holdin’ out hope we can get there, but weez also luv da help we find fwu da udder fings Blogpaws offers. We hope yous can go sumtime too.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
My human and I are terrible members of the BlogPaws community – we don’t go there often enough at all! We just get so busy.
We never mention how many times Claire goes MOL ! Purrs
Paws up, kitties! We hope that Claire does get to go to the BlogPaws conference someday, but in the meantime, it’s great to know she is able to stay connected from so far away.
We want to go SO badly but it’s just not to be. But we are so thankful for BlogPaws and learn so much from them every single day!
We went to Blog Paws last year and really enjoyed meeting fellow bloggers. We don’t get as involved with all the Blog Paws events though because LP says life can get in the way…a lot!!
We hope to meet Claire one day at Blog Paws 
the critters in the cottage xo
Thanks for sharing this! BlogPaws has so much to offer to bloggers…the conference is just one of many things. And Claire, I hope one day to meet you at a BlogPaws conference.
Island Cat Mom
TW hopes that the year Claire goes, she going to. She only goes to the East Coast ones. You give all good advice.
Mum would love to go but we live too far away in England and it’ll be too expensive. Also, she wants to take me with her but as a cat it is not very wise to take me. I’m not used to lots of people around me.
Purrs xx
I cross my paws that your mum can go to BlogPaws one day
Good Luck Pawkisses
BlogPaws is a wonderful resource for us bloggers! The Mom is going to the conference for the first time this year, and Sophie is going with her! She hopes to meet your mom one day at the conference!
We love going to go BlogPaws!! Meeting everyone in person is super fun. I don’t go, though. I stay home and look at photos. – Crepes.
Thanks for sharing and I tweeted. It took me two years before I could go but I presented last year and will again this year. So much happens non-stop and it’s amazing to meet our online friends in person. Last year a few people came from Austrailia and I hope more Europeans come like you! Next year, I hope.
A year old already!! You are one sparkling looking 1 year old Pixie. Happy Birthday my friend.
Kitty Kisses,
What an excellent summary of what BlogPaws can offer bloggers – even those who cannot attend the annual event. I certainly hope to meet you in person one day, Claire!
Happy Birthday to Pixie.
Paw hugs,
Great post and message! Even if bloggers can’t attend – there are still some great resources available online to take advantage of.
Our mom wishes Claire could be there. This will only be her second year, but it is so wonderful to meet the people we communicate with on-line. She will so look forward to the time in the future when Claire can attend and will be happy to share any info with her she can. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo