I am a big girl !

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first birthday
Today, I’m one year old ! I’m not any more a kitten. I’m so happy to have humans who love me and a great older brother ! When I arrived in my forever home, I was just a key holder (it’s Claire who says it) ; I grew well up, what do you think about it ?
Pixie 5 sem
On the occasion of my birthday, I offer this cute key holder to one of you ! Good luck !

Monday’s quotation :

To err is human, to purr is feline. Robert Byrne.

Have a good week !

42 thoughts on “I am a big girl !

  1. Dezi and Lexi

    Happy Meowday bootyful. Weez member when yous came to live wiff Zorro. You wuz such a cutie pie and yous turned into one gawjus girly. Hav a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  2. Bev Green

    Happy Birthday Pixie! has it been one year already!! I remember how tiny you were when you came to live in your forever home…goodness you have grown into your furs!!
    We wish you a day of sunshine snuggles and treats…maybe even fevers! loves Fozziemum and the whole gang xxx

  3. Marg

    Wow, we can’t believe you are a year old already. You sure turned into such a pretty cat. And you still have a cute expression on your face. Happy Happy Birthday.

  4. da tabbies o trout towne

    pixie !! happee day wishes, best fishes & mice creem dishes two ewe ♫♪♫♪…a vereee happe ONE & heerz ta 100 mor !! hope yur day iz rockin awesum way sooper kewl FUN…hope claire fixes ewe a big ole perch cake, enjoy yur day & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥♥♥

  5. LP

    Happy , happy birthday Pixie! You were so adorable as a kitten… we can see why Claire couldn’t resist you! 🙂 And you look so healthy , plush and lovely all grown up sweetie 🙂 Have a wonderful day with some yummy birthday treats!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  6. Robin

    Happy birthday! You were such a cute kitten 🙂 I love your baby photo. You are a beautiful young adult cat now. I hope you have many more beautiful years.

  7. Pingback: How to fire the best of BlogPaws Conference | The Swiss Cats

  8. Kitties Blue

    Happy belated birthday, Pixie. We cannot believe an entire year has passed already. You were an adorable kitten and have grown up into a most beautiful lady. Hope your day was purrfect and filled with lots of love and treats! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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