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On every Monday since a few weeks, we propose you a quotation in connection with cats. Claire is a member of a group of German-speaking bloggers, and thanks to this group, she discovered this website : Katzen-Zitate :: Cat Quotations.
The website is in German or in English, and it’s a gold mine : good reading !
Monday quote :
We do not possess a cat, we are authorized to enter the life of a cat, what is, naturally, a privilege. Beryl Reid
Have a good week !
Even though sometimes we have to remind the humans how privileged they are!
We kitties approve of that quote
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Beryl Reid was a great British comic actress!!
We love that quote
Humans know they are priviledged when we allow them to wait on us paw and paw.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That is a good quote.
Great words to remember and live by!
Happy Monday, furriends!
Our human considers it an honor to be chosen by us!
We heartily approve that quote!
Great quote and cute pic of Pixie.
It is definitely a privilege to share the life of a cat!
You sure do look gawjus. Have a pawsum week.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Thank you for stopping by our blog and commenting over the past few weeks. Mom promises to get her act together and start visiting and commenting again. She is still blue over losing Lily.
that is a beautiful, beautiful quote and sooo true!