11 things about us

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liebsteraward2What a pleasant surprise ! We had the pleasure to be nominated by the Ephemer Beitrag Blog for the Liebster Award. Thank you very much buddies !

They asked us 11 questions :

  • When did you begin to blog ? We began in April, 2012.
  • What was the trigger ? Our angel Loupi thought that he had interesting things to be said.
  • Do you also write other things, or are you creative in a different way ? Oh no, we would have no more time to nap otherwise ! And our human already has difficulty in following with two or three articles a week ! But she likes to sew while we sleep.
  • Question not understood
  • What kind of book is the most frequently in your ownership (hardcover, paperback or epub) ? Claire reads her novels on her Kindle, but for the rest she prefers beautiful books. We too, they have better taste.
  • What is the target of your blog ? All the people who like cats or who live with a cat. You will find on our blog an overview of our everyday life, advice, and product reviews.
  • Were there moments in the course of which you wanted to stop writing ? No, but our human often lack of time to do it because she makes one thousand one activities. In our opinion, she does make no sense priorities.
  • What music does not agree at all on your point of view ? We hate the Weekly Concerto for Vacuum Cleaner and Feather Duster.
  • What was the most beautiful moment of the life of your blog ? Every time we meet a new friend and every time this relation goes on, it’s a beautiful moment.
  • What puts you under stress enormously ? The visit at the veterinarian, the empty food bowl, and the vacuum cleaner.
  • From when are you a successful blogger according to you ? For us, it’s from the moment people come back on our blog and from the moment marks are interested in us to promote their product, for others it will be from the moment they really earn money with their blog.

Here are rules to follow to accept the Liebster Award :

  • Visit and thank the blogger that nominated me
  • Acknowledge that blogger on my blog and link back
  • Answer his 11 questions
  • Nominate 5 to 11 bloggers, provide a link to their blog and notify them on their blog

We begin not to know any more to whom we have already given a price, and it is difficult to choose among all the blogs which we know. We are thus going to cheat a little with the fourth rule : this award is at your disposal, feel free to take it if you wish !
Pixie et Zorro 47

20 thoughts on “11 things about us

  1. Ann Staub

    I like your answers guys 🙂 I like making new friends with blogging too. I just wish I had more time to visit everyone more often. Maybe after school starts… I’m sure Claire will be busy then though.

  2. LP

    That is a great photo of both of you. You look very healthy and happy:)

    Nice to learn more about you through your answers! We can’t believe you have already been blogging for three years! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  3. Kitties Blue

    Zorro and Pixie, We always enjoy learning more about our friends. Congratulations on your award. You two are absolutely adorable in your photo. C.J. sends Zorro a kiss for each cheek and one for his nose. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  4. Raven

    Thanks for sharing about your likes, dislikes, and interests. I totally agree about the cacophony you call the Weekly Concerto for Vacuum Cleaner. It was played here yesterday and it was ear-shattering.

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