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PIXIE : Seeing my photo on the ladder which goes up to Claire’s office, Glogirly, Katie and Waffles asked how I did to come down. I asked Claire to film (you will notice that this nincompoop holds her iPhone in the wrong direction for the second video…)
Normal descent :
Fast descent :
Here we are ! It’s not more difficult than that !
Smart kitties, I’m not sure our guys would know what to make of a ladder.
Cool! Kitties can master just about anything!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Looks easy enough to me! I confess, sometimes I skip half the stairs of the spiral stair case here and just jump!
You sure knows how to climb
Amazing……..such excellent climbing skills and balance – I’d be in a heap at the bottom of the ladder (so would my Mom!!!!!).
Hugs, Sammy
I love ladders and wish I had one to climb up and down! ~Wally
We have a roof ladder for (storage in the roof space) – Hannah doesn’t like it (probably because we live in a bungalow and she’s not used to it) but Lucy goes up in a flash if she sees the ladder has been lowered but Mum’s problem is if Lucy gets up there she has to go back up and put her in a basket to bring her down as she won’t come down on her own!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
MOL ! Is it a “one-way” ladder ? Purrs
I’m impressed! I probably would have fallen and hurt my butt!
You know what sweeties Pickles and Cleo do the same! and i thought they were weird hahahaha so they are not odd after all! bravo to smart kitties the world round
loves Fozziemum xxx
WOW!!! Those are some impressive ladder descents! Thank you so much for showing us all how it’s done!
Waffles is so excited he wants his own ladder now. ; )
You’re welcome ! Purrs
maybe you could come once to show my dad how he can use a ladder without any accident…. he must laugh as he saw how fast you are on a ladder :o) … and I thought my dad has some feline genes, because he is a lion… but probably I was wrong :o)
We hope your dad is going better and better, Easy. Purrs
That’s a talented descent. We would just jump down from the top and scare the humans.
Wow ! You’re true cathletes ! It’s a little bit high for me… Purrs
That is a good descent Pixie. I come down trees and ladders the way you do in the 2nd video. Eric used to try and come down backwards and mum usually ended up rescuing him.
Lucy, you have that going down just right. Going down a ladder is much easier than coming down from a tree. Great video. Love seeing you run down the ladder. You all have a great day.
Oh Meow yous so clever and talented. Have fun.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
WOW! Very impressive.
Your mum has to be pretty nimble herself to get up and down that ladder all the time. Mum says she is getting too old for ladders.
That’s a scary high ladder and straight too. TW is terrified of ladders. She doesn’t like when Pop had to climb them. I never ventured on one but Faith used to love climbing them.
You are very athletic- and adorable.
Pixie, you’re very agile. I’d never be able to go down a ladder like that because I’m a bit bigger than you and I’m afraid my rear end would get ahead of the rest of me!
Looks like a great ladder to climb!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
R internetz thiz week haz been like a lite switch…off…on…off…on….out…..stoppin bye two say Hi while de spazzed thing iz still….ON~~~~~~
It seems so easy for you Pixie! I bet your mom can’t go as fast as you
so cute! What brave kitties!
Those are cool ladder stairs Pixie and you make getting down them look very fun and easy! We would enjoy running up and down them all day long over here
the critters in the cottage xo