World Cat Day with Rosina

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WorldCatDay 2015

Thanks to Ann from Zoolatry for the graphic

This year, we decided to celebrate World Cat Day with Rosina.

Rosina Wachtmeister was born on January 7th, 1939 in Vienna. At the age of 14, she leaves for Brazil with her parents. She decides to become a sculptor, attends class in the art school of Porto Alegre between 1955 and 1961, and obtains her sculptor’s diploma. She establishes then a small troop of puppeteers which travels Brazil during 3 years.
Later, she marries the painter Paolo Rissone, and since 1974, she settles down in Italy, in Capena, a small village in the North of Rome.

Rosina creates adorable cats with a characteristic head in moon shape. Claire already has jewels, objects, and reproductions with these cats. She likes this artist very much.
Rosina tableau
Rosina bijoux
Rosina chats On Tuesday, Grandpa enriched the collection : he brought back these two linen and these two mugs from his last trip.
Rosina linges
Rosina mugs 2
Rosina mugs 1
At our home, cats are celebrated all year long and in every way !

27 thoughts on “World Cat Day with Rosina

  1. Sammy

    We love these! Rosina has a wonderful way of capturing the playfulness of a cat in all her creations. Happy World Cat Day!

    Hugs, Sammy

  2. Hannah and Lucy

    What lovely things this talented lady does – it’s lovely to see everything being “different” from the standard things you find in many shops.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Kitties Blue

    Mom has seen things by this artist before. The items that Claire owns are so lovely. happy World Cat Day. A kiss for Zorro from Calista Jo. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  4. Peaches & Paprika

    MOL!!! WONDERFUL artis Rosina!! We loved her work so much we wanted to crawl inside each of the pieces. Favorites? Hard to say. The first set of mugs were our favorite perhaps and the sculpture. Rosina you are Catbulous! Call us if you ever need more calico models!

  5. da tabbies o trout towne

    happee bee lated cat day guys…N way awesum oh grandpa two bring home theeze giftz for Claire…
    Rosina iz an amazing artist…thanx for sharin her werk with uz….we reel lee like de sculptures & mugs !! ♥♥♥

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