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We took well advantage of our hour of additional sleep this weekend…
ZORRO : It’s true, you even snored !
PIXIE : Zorro ! A young lady does not snore, come on !
Snoring is a noise emitted during breathing. It occurs when soft tissues of respiratory tracts begin tp vibrate during breathing, or when they are blocked.
Some cats snore, and for the majority of them, there is no reason to worry. A regular snore during the sleep, which is not bound to a respiratory difficulty, to a cough, or to a loss of appetite, and which does not modify (apneas or worsening) is generally not a problem. Breeds with a short nose, as the Persian or the exotic shorthair are more inclined to snore than other breeds : the shape of their snout involves that their respiratory tracts (and often lacrimal canals) are compressed. Our angel Hercule was a champion : we heard him snoring up to the next room !
However, in some cases, snoring is the sign of a health problem.
- Obesity : the surplus of fat around the neck of overweighted cats can lead to snoring. Obesity is more disturbing than the snore in this case, but it would be better to maintain your cat at a normal weight.
- Allergies
- Foreign matter : a simple blade of grass badly placed in the pharynx can cause a snore, and the help of the veterinarian can be necessary to remove it.
- Asthma
- Infections : a commonplace affection of the respiratory tracts which is not cured by itself can turn into infection. Tissues are congested, there is production of mucus, and respiratory tracts are shrunk. A medical treatment is necessary.
- Cyst, tumor, or polyp : these invisible thicknesses are difficult to detect and require a surgical operation ; it can be cancerous.
- Respiratory distress syndrome : a snore combined with difficult breathing, a cat who snores by inhaling with an open mouth in a jerky way, which seems to look for his air, is a medical urgency !
Cats of any age and any breed can snore, but at the slightest doubt, go to the veterinarian !
PS – PIXIE : I do not snore.
I would say it’s the same with men, only a cat snoring is more cute !
Mom says we only snore once in a while depending on the position we are in.
We think Mom snores more
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
I believe you, Pixie!
Very good information, and I did not know about much of it. Thank you for covering the subject.
Of course YOU don’t snore Pixie, but I must confess that I DO snore once in a while. Makes my Mom and Dad laugh when I do but sometimes I’m so deeply asleep that I can snore like a chainsaw! HAHA
Hugs, Sammy
I think I have heard Chris snore on rare occasions but I see him having a bad, or at least an exciting, dream even more.
Thank you for this informative post, I never knew that allergies could make a cat snore! Cody sometimes snores and sometimes it would worry me. Thanks for this post!
That was really great info, we’ve never thought much about the snoring thing.
We don’t snore very often and of course it’s always very lady like!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Mister Cat also snores sometimes (even though he says he doesn’t), even though you can hardly hear it. Didn’t know snoring could be a sign of health problems. Thanks for sharing this information!
I, Frimousse, never snore.
My friend RouXy does snore very oftezn and very loud. He’s got a “flat” nose !
We have a couple snorers, I think it is allergies.
pixie….my stars girl, my brother boomer tried to say I snore too…..indeed, do cows wear cologne…I….think….not….hugs girl from dai$y ♥♥♥ =^..*=
Angel Truffles snored like crazy, but Mudpie doesn’t make a peep when she’s sleeping!
Newton snores. You can hear him from the next room sometimes when he really gets going!
Wally snores sometimes….but he won’t admit it. ~Ernie
Derby snored, I do not!
I’m sure … young ladies never snore… maybe it was me what you heard? I snore like a chainsaw sometimes :o)
Well *I* snore. I has some asthma. The V-E-T says its minor. ~ IZA
I beleive you , Pixie !!
My Twee has snored all her life..
Are you insinuating that I snore? Cause I…zzzzzzzzzzz oops!
Have a super Wednesday
Noodle and crew
Charlie snores on occasion too. It’s very cute.