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We’ll usually publish on Mondays and Fridays, as well as certain major “special” days.
We’ll make so from time to time an appearance on Wednesday, but not every week.
We’ll speak to you about us, about products we like for us or for our human, and we’ll answer the questions that ask all the people who live with a cat, as for example why we sleep so much.
Do you know that you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram ?
See you later !
We do the same posting schedule
Your plans for 2016 sound good.
You are quite handsome Zorro.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Very smart, my pal Zorro!
Plenty of pleasant events for Zorro, Pixie, Momo, and Claire.
A new year but we’ll continue with daily blogs as long as we can…….I’m just glad to still be here PERIOD!
Happy New Year!
Love, Sammy
We always look forward to seeing you pop in to our blog list!
I will always be happy to see you whenever you post. I only post 2 or 3 days a week instead of daily since Eric left .
We have no schedule thanks to The Staff! But hopefully, now we have the CB weekly planner, maybe things we improve! MOL Zorro, I saw you on Instagram!!!
Sounds like a good schedule that will allow you lots of napping
pixie & zorro….thiz iz a grate new yeerz resolve !!! oh, N if a purrson doez ask why uz catz sleep sew much
due knot tell em de trooth….we hafta keep em guessin !!!! ♥♥♥♥ happee 2016 two everee one
N hay ….look…..R regular face terned inta a monsturr face…awesum !!!
You have a planned posting schedule? You guys are so organised! Our blog just happens.
(But of course, I am busy being Supreme Feline Overlord, and managing my blog just has to fill in the gaps in time.)
I’m sure you’ll be very entertaining throughout 2016.
We need to keep Mum on track MOL ! Purrs
That’s a great posting schedule! We are considering cutting back our schedule a bit, so we’re watching the schedules everyone adopts with great interest.
We hope to always publish Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays……..any other days will be just if something comes up that we wish to say or share…….we are planning on cutting WAY BACK on book reviews so that Mom can have her life back (or so she says!)….book reviews take up way too much time and just aren’t worth it any longer.
For Dakota’s blog…we are also shooting for 3 days a week but the poor guy hasn’t posted since New Years! MOL! xoxo
And of course you and Pixie will be cute and entertaining.
Look forward to seeing you in 2016!
We only scheduled one post a week, but since we have moved, Granny and I spend more bloggie time together
You look very handsome, Zorro. A real mancat