wow really? I saw that ghost too in my bed… it left brown paw prints on the pillow… I’m glad you saw it too, now my mom can’t blame that dirty pawprints on me :o)
pixie….iz Claire scared now two !! ?? :0 ya noe, if ewe like stare at de wall for like 13 minits ore sew; yur peepulz will wunder….what…..yur….lookin….at…..!!!! try it ~~~~~~~~~~ waves ta zorro
Keep those eyes wide open Pixie.
The ghost might come back!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Obviously, there was a ghost!
EEEEK! Pixie it looks like you truly DID see a ghostie – I hope he’s gone now and you can REST!
Hugs, Sammy
Where did he go??? Keep watching!!
Watch out Pixie that ghost cat disappeared in a trice.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
eeep – run for the hills!!!
I don’t see a ghost, but I see a very pretty kitty . Don’t you just love getting muddled in the sheets. So fun and so comfy.
wow really? I saw that ghost too in my bed… it left brown paw prints on the pillow… I’m glad you saw it too, now my mom can’t blame that dirty pawprints on me :o)
Oh my goodness, you are right, we saw him too!
Oh my, I hope you catch it! You sure look like a purrfect ghost hunter. Purrs!
What has been seen can’t be unseen
omg those eyes!!!!
pixie….iz Claire scared now two !! ?? :0 ya noe, if ewe like stare at de wall for like 13 minits ore sew; yur peepulz will wunder….what…..yur….lookin….at…..!!!! try it
~~~~~~~~~~ waves ta zorro
I wish I could have seen what (who) you saw!
Pixie, you have such big eyes looking for the ghost!
Pixie, your expressions are priceless!
We believe you!!!
that’s pretty darned scary!!!!
Pixie, I hope you find the ghost, or at least have fun trying.
Pixie, you definitely saw something, didn’t you?
Uh oh! Ghosts are scary! Hope this one was friendly!
You do look as if you saw a ghost. Thank you for the kind words you left about Stinky on my blog. XO