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ZORRO : Could you put your paw somewhere else ?
PIXIE : Which one ?
ZORRO : That one. It would be good if you could avoid stepping on mine. But keep the posture !
PIXIE : It’s difficult !
ZORRO : Stop complaining, or you will dance like Claire !
PIXIE : But… she doesn’t like… and she doesn’t know…
ZORRO : Exactly ! Let’s do it again : straight tail, paw on the shoulder,…
MOL, luv da dancin!
Oh dear, does this mean Claire can’t dance?
You two look to be doing OK
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Sooo what dance are you doing? The tango, the foxtrot maybe? The posture looks pretty good. To bad Claire can’t dance.
There are no mancats here, so I never get to dance!
Nice dancing! Just watch where you put those paws!!!!!
Hugs, Sammy
Danse like Claire! I wouldn’t have asked a photograph of her dancing, but since you mention it!
MOL!! Good form!
The Florida Furkids
Maybe you can teach Claire the foxtrot – we hope she’s a better dancer than Mum as she’s always treading on our toes!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
This is such a cool picture! Looks like they’re really dancing! Maybe tango?
That’s so cute!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
MOL! You two look like excellent dancers! Perhaps you should try out for one of those talent tv shows!
This is definitely one of those “a pictures says a thousand words” kind of shots. I love it!
Boogie on sweeties!!!
pixie & zorro….what a total lee awesum way kewl fun post !!!!
ooopz….we forgetted R own emailz !!!!!
pixie & zorro….what a total lee awesum way kewl fun post !!!!
MOL! You look like very good dancers.
OMC I love it…what a great shot!!!
Aaaaaaaw Y’all are toooooo cute.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Stepping on each other’s paws is ok as long as you’re having fun!
You are too cute
Great dancing shot.
One, two, cha, cha, cha!
that is soooooooooo cute!!
Looks as if they dance the Tango, lol !
awww I could need some dance lessons too…. I’m afraid Lee will end with pancake-paws when I dance a foxtrott with her :o)
So fun. We need to try too. Happy Mardi Gras and thanks for the good wishes for Mr Kitty!
So cute. You two seem to be wonderful dancers!
OMC…this is the cutest thing ever! Calista Jo wishes she could be dancing with Zorro. She thanks him for the kiss he sent her and sends one back to him with a second one. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
OMC! Dance lessons! I like your form.
HEEEE! Who’s leading?
You two both look like experts to us! But we can’t dance at all . . . we blame LP. She’s awful too ;p
the critters in the cottage xo