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Since Saturday, we suffered heavy rain and violent winds. It so much blew hard that we found our pine in this position on Sunday morning :
We had moved it in November, and we had put it a tutor, but the tutor snapped in two under the assaults of the wind.
Fortunately, we were able to put it a new tutor on Monday, bigger, and it should get well back on its feet.
With wind that strong, I’d stay inside, too!
Good to stay inside.
You surely would have blown away!
Hope the tree will be OK.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Let’s hope the pine won’t die…
Hope that pine tree settles right back in…….AND we hope your weather gets better……wind is not fun – I don’t like my furs to get messed up! STAY WARM!
Love, Sammy
Poor tree….we hope it is okay now. We don’t blame you….cold and wind mean cozy naps inside!
The Florida Furkids
We hate it when is cold and windy too although the upside is sitting on Mum’s knee watching the television showing another instalment of Ice Road Truckers!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
hope your tree stays up this time.
stay inside where it is nice and warm
Oh, that poor tree! You guys sure were smart to stay inside where it’s dry, warm, and windless. Purrs!
I hope your tree is strong enough now to withstand the wind… and I hope this bad weather will leave our area soon… that’s not comfy to do a walk… maybe I can buy me a litter box and stay at home till spring?
Hope the new tutor works, mum calls is a stake, helps the tree stay upright. Yeah, good to be inside on nasty weather days.
pixie & zorro…cranberreez…..thatz one awesum spruce…we hope him makez it aye oh kay N him growz 11 bazillion feet tall
stay safe inn side & heerz two a happee heartz day oh love ~~~~~ kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
That poor tree! I’m glad the humans set it right again.
MOWZERS! That was SOME wind! We hope your pine makes it and is none the worse for wear!
OMC Da wind blew yous twee right outta da ground. Glad you was able to save it. And Zorro we just luv dat toy. Looks like in spite of da winds and weather y’all had a good time. Stay safe.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
I hope your tree survives now it has been uprighted again. We have had severe gales as well and several trees down in the fields.
Yikes, how scary!!!
Hold on tight and have a great weekend sweet friends!
Thank goodness you are all ok though and that the tree didn’t hit your house! Hoping it starts to grow quite nicely again. The mountains in the background are simply glorious!!
That was strong wind. I am glad you could save your tree. Zorro and Pixie are looking adorable, as always.
Wow, it’s rare to have a tree so close to the ground blow over. During Hurricane Sandy we had a huge pine tree snap in half and it was about 75 years old. Hope you have a happy Caturday! You mountain views are lovely!
Almost gone with the wind…we hope that your tree has a chance of rooting now and that it will be firmly planted by summer!
The mountains look beautiful!
Continue to stay inside where it is nice and cosy kitties! That is what we are also all doing today . It is cold, rainy and dreary in Vancouver today!
the critters in the cottage xo
We get winds like that here too…scary!
Have a wind free weekend.
Noodle and crew
Inside is the best place to be. When I saw the first pic, I thought you just threw out your Christmas tree.
That’s awful weather. We had strong winds here a couple weeks ago and a huge tree blew over in our neighborhood. . It crushed a car, but no one was hurt.
Hopefully your tree sets new roots and stays alive.
OMC ! Sorry for the car, but we’re glad everyone is safe ! We hope that human has a good insurance ! Purrs