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The use of electric fencings not visible by animals as well as the use of anti-runaway devices compounds of a thread buried on the verge of the ground and of a necklace which sends an electric shock to the cat as soon as it approaches this invisible limit are strictly forbidden in Switzerland. We thus do not speak about it in this article.
PIXIE : Look, Zorro, look at the gift that offered me Claire and Momo ! It’s immense ! We have now access to all the garden in front of the house !
ZORRO : Pixie, you exaggerate … This present is not only for you.
PIXIE : Yes it is ! It was my birthday on Wednesday, it’s MY park !
ZORRO : *sigh* The fate makes that our new fence was installed the same week of your second birthday, Pixie, that’s it. We already had an enclosure (see here and here for the story of the enclosure), but for financial reasons, it was small. This time, our humans made every effort to offer us a dream enclosure !
What are the characteristics of a good fence for cats ?
- It is high enough : cats can jump on average until a height of 1 m 80 (5,9 ft).
- It has a “return angle” of 60 cm (23,6 in) : cats climb everywhere. Without a “return angle”, a cat can easily cross a 2 m (6,5 ft) high fence by climbing and passing over.
- It goes up to the ground : a motivated 4 kg (8,8 lb) cat passes easily under a 8 cm (3,1 in) high space (we tested !).
- It has stitches from 3 to 5 cm (1-2 in) wide : young cats manage to sneak through wider spaces (if the head passes, all the cat passes).
- There is no tree, no table, or no wall too close which allows the cat to jump directly on the return.
- It is in compliance with the local regulations : it’s better to ask competent authorities before building a special fence : it would be really stupid to have to remove it hardly installed, right ?
If you have a garden, did you secure it in one way or another for your cat ? Or can your cat walk as he pleases ?
What a wonderful enclosure Claire and Momo gave you !
So much room to play in and enjoy safely.
That will be pawsome when Summer comes.!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
WOW! I am so jealous!!!! We rent our home so there’s no way mom can get us a park – but boy, it sure would be nice!!!
WOW…..that’s wonderful! Now you can wander in a BIG space and enjoy the great outdoors in complete safety. I only get to go outside wearing my harness OR with one of my humans with me at all times. We can’t enclose our yard. I do love being outside though – especially lying in the sun on the front porch.
Hugs, sammy
We’re still not going outside. We have the top of the fence done, but there’s still gaps, and the humans still have to trim back trees which we could use as “launching pads” to escape.
When I ask when I can go out, Mum says they’ll get it all done “eventually”. Is “eventually” even a real time?
wow – that is impressive. we can’t wait to hear all about your adventures
Oh we would love a fence like that! However, we have no fences in our neighborhood. You guys are so lucky to be able to get outside and enjoy yourselves.
I love it… now your castle has a park just for you! my garden is “alcatrazzed” too , but I still work on a n escape tunnel… like that count of meow-nte christo :o)
Our garden is enclosed with fencing which we walk on so we can observe our neighbours! We never go into the cul-de-sac where we live though.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
You are so lucky to have a great enclosed garden that you can explore outside! We aren’t allowed outside, unless we are in our stroller.
pixie N zorro….total lee awesum !!!! claire & mom were veree nice two give ewe thiz gift….N joy yur out doorz time….we noe ewe will
heerz two a temperate ocean bass kinda week oh end ♥♥♥♥
and hay look….we getted a new face
purple two !!!!
That is awesome! Our property would cost a fortune to fence this way, unfortunately.
MOL ! It already costs a fortune, and the whole property would cost TWO fortunes at least
That looks terrific and I know you all will sure enjoy that! Have a fun, fun weekend everyone!!!
You are lucky kitties. My cats can’t go outside, only Spooky because he lived outside for years and now he is old and easy to catch if he tries to get away.
And Mommy loves the mountains in the background, too.
Your peeps built you your very own park? MOUSES! You might just be the luckiest kitties, ever.
That is a great enclosure and looks very smart too. My whole garden is enclosed. It has a 2.5m fence on one side and a hedge of the same height or slightly higher around the rest of the garden. There is a net fence on the outside of the hedge so I can’t go under it. It works well to keep me in and intruders out.
How cool ! We bet that your humans, as ours, like the idea of letting you go outside safely. Purrs
How wonderful that is. You two are so lucky. Your humans love you so, so much to to have this built for you. Better be really good, good kitties as a thank you. Enjoy. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
We’re ALWAYS good kitties
that looks incredible!!!!!!!! What a fabulous idea! Enjoy! xoox
Lucky kitties! We are so very jealous!! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang!
In my previous home (before Raven) I used a product called Cat Fence-In. It was similar to what you have shown, but it was a nylon mesh that you attached to a wood fence with brackets. It worked really well at keeping my cats in and other cats out.
Our previous fence, smaller, was made of this. Purrs
That is a great enclosure! TBT is thinking of something like that but not quite as good. He hopes it works.
We hope it works for you as well ! Purrs
I know PetSafe is prohibited in Switzerland. But I, Frimousse, and my neigbour Plume – and flocon, RouXy’s dog – we are very happy with our PetSafe systems.
“Animals bred for meat are far more ill-treated (in slaughterhouses, in particular) than we are!
Have a good evening!
That is such a wonderful enclosure you two have! We love it!
Wow! You are SO lucky! That is a fantastic enclosure. We bet you guys are having such a good time outside.
What a wonderful , safe, enclosure for you two lucky kittens to play in! We are not allowed outside although we do have a small fenced garden the foster cats were allowed to use. We, on the other hand, would climb the nearby tree and escape if allowed in the garden…we are naughty kitties so must stay indoors!! Enjoy your lovely birthday present Pixie
the critters in the cottage xo
That is PAWSOME!!! Mes only has a balcony here in Richmond (and mes watched carefully), and in Midway mes is allowed outside during the day, but most places we’ve lived, mes is only allowed out on a leash or a enclosed cage. What your pawrents is doing is wonderful! Lets hope they gets everything done soon and yous can goes out during good weather. Outside is fun!
That looks great!
I would really love to get an enclosure for Athena but we have such a large garden at the moment so it could be quite costly. As we hope to be moving to a new place soon I am waiting until then to see what I’d be able to afford. Some sort of enclosure large enough for me to sit in with her is what I’m after. I don’t want her to feel trapped like she’s a zoo. So many on the market but quite expensive. Wish I could build my own!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
We had first part of the garden only that was enclosed. We hope you find some handy buddies who can help you to build the biggest possible enclosure for the lowest price. Purrs