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ZORRO : We are beautiful and healthy. It’s not us who says that, it’s the veterinarian.
On Tuesday morning, we went to the veterinarian for our annual visit : as you can see, we were delighted.
Mr Burnand checked us from every angle (yes, he looked there also !) ; we are grateful to him, because he did not consider to play with his thermometer … He dewormed us, and weighed us : I weigh 5,4 kg (11,9 lb) and Pixie 3,4 kg (7,5 lb). We have magnificent eyes, quite clean ears, dense and silky hair, no fleas, in brief, we are beautiful and healthy.
He found that I had lost 100 grams since the last visit, what is very well, and that’s where Claire dropped her small bomb :
– They eat raw since 3 months…
– And what do you give them ? simply asked the veterinarian.
Claire explained the fleshy bones, the giblets, etc, etc….
– Ah, that’s all good ! said the veterinarian. It’s important to give also bones and cartilages, they need it. They should not eat only steak !
Claire was over the moon : she had heard a lot about veterinarians who were fiercely against Raw Feeding. She enjoyed that ours is also favorable to this feeding mode, as far as it is done correctly and in a well-balanced way.
The only concern of the veterinarian was that we could have too much vitamin A, what would be bad for our joints. According to him, it is not necessary that we eat liver every day.
– It’s a feeding mode that is respectful of the needs of your cats, he added, and close to what your cats could eat in nature, but it’s a little longer to prepare than a can…
Claire answered that that take her only half an hour a week to prepare our portions for 7-8 days.
– You are someone organized ! said Mr Burnand.
We didn’t dare to tell him that Claire had to have an additional gene for that, because we were afraid that he keeps her to run some tests !
How awesome that you guys had such a great vet check up – and that the vet human understood raw feeding!
WooHoo for a great check up
Your diet is working for you.
yay for your vet!!! a lot vets are anti and say “kibble has everything they need”. but more and more vets think different now :o) think that’s a good way to keep our pets healthy :o)
Excellent news at the vet on your checkups and obviously the raw diet is making you happy and healthy!! YAY!!!!
Love, Sammy
If you feel good, that seems good to US!
Healthy is always great news and you two are always beautiful!!!
Hannah and Lucy don’t like raw meat and quite frankly I can’t bear to touch uncooked meat so we don’t think that raw is a subject that delights any of us here!
Hooray for you two, Zorro and Pixie! It sounds like you’re both purrfectly fit and trim.
Yay for the excellent Vet report. And super good you have one that will work with you and be agreeable to how you want to do things.
pixie & zorro !!! YAY !!! total lee grate nooze inn deed, we R happee yur chex up
wented sew well { good nooze bout de thermometer two
N joy yur raw, happee fryday & heerz two a yellowtail catfish kinda week oh end ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥
We are glad to hear you are healthy and of course you are beautiful too!
Some vets are definitely leery of raw food, but some are quite accepting. If it wasn’t for Merlin’s cancer, we would still be on raw, but our mom was never brave enough to make it herself!
Hooray for a good checkup and the approval for your meals!
You are both beautiful and sleek. I am glad your vet is on board with the raw feeding and gave you tips too.
Claire is PAWESOME! I don’t think my Mom would EVER be organized like that! So glad you are both so healthy, that is PAWTASTIC! Love, Cody
Well OF COURSE you’re both beautiful! Anyone can see that just by looking. Super GORGEOUS, for sure. But ever so glad to hear the doctor found you to be really healthy, too.
Glad your VET ‘pointment went so well. Your noms look great. We wondered ifin ya’ll ate it cold or got it warmed up?
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Claire take our food out of the fridge half an hour before meal time, and we eat it at room temperature. You should not warm raw food in the microwave ! You can eventually add warm water to help to warm the food quicker. Purrs
Hooray for the good vet report! We always knew you are beautiful, but are happy to hear you are healthy, too!
Mom Claire really takes excellent care of you both. Dad tried to get us on raw years ago but we were fighting it. He says the day is coming to again try to feed us raw.
Thank Mew for coming to my birthday pawty. Hope you had a good time. Toby and Einstein really liked when you… Oh mom may be reading. Meow later
Glad you received a good report from the vet! I love your colorful carriers.
I am ready to try raw again. Do you have a post showing your recipe?
Please check this post :
You’ll have a quick overview of what is raw feeding, and useful links at the end of the post. Purrs
That’s such pawsome news!!!
We are so glad that your vet gave you a clean bill of health! That is always a good thing. It is also awesome that he is supportive of your raw diet.
Also, thank you so much for your kind words of love and support on Milton’s memorial post today, and in your Facebook message. We appreciate it more than you know <3
Never heard of only raw feeding. Some cats don’t even like it, like my Rosie ! The most important is that they are all healthy !
Glad it went well!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Thank you so much for celebrating my 10th Birthday with me! Purrs, Dragonheart
a supportive vet is worth their weight in gold.
Great new guys!!!
Basil & Co xox
It’s great to have a vet that gets it. And knows not only healthy but beautiful when he sees it!
—Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats
Well done Claire and well done perfect health Swiss Cats! We are looking at Raw but it is a bit job for all nine of us and some of us are SO fussy * sigh*
I am glad you both had a very good check up.
We’re so glad to hear you got clean bills of health. Claire takes very good care of you.
What good news! Congrats on a great vet visit! xo Tootsie
Yippee for good checkups and for a kind and understanding vet!