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The Swiss National holiday takes place on August 1st every year : firecrackers, fireworks, and big fires are almost everywhere lit to celebrate the anniversary of our beautiful country.
The explosions of fireworks and firecrackers are terrifying for animals : their hearing, much more sensitive than ours, is assaulted by the noise. Animals are panicked and try to run away, with big risks of injuring themselves on obstacles or of being killed in a traffic accident.
How to keep your cat (and the other animals) safe during fireworks ?
- Choose fireworks without explosion.
- Use fireworks only the day of the event.
- Light fireworks in a zone clear and distant from houses and from farms to avoid any danger of fire.
- Light fireworks far from cowsheds and stables, and far from the pastures where are animals to avoid frightening them.
- For the municipalities : build your big fires the day of the demonstration only, or protect them with a small roadblock 40 cms high which will be removed 1-2 hours before lighting the fire. These simple measures avoid a horrible death for numerous small animals as the hedgehogs, the mice, or the snakes for whom this wooden heap represents a perfect shelter.
- Keep your cats and your dogs home, windows closed and curtains pulled. Behave as usual.
- If your cat hides under the bed or at the top of a cupboard, leave him alone : it is there that he feels safe. Do not try to bring him out of his hiding place.
Enjoy your country’s birthday!
We are sure your folks will keep you two safe during the celebrations
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Great information! We really, really, really are not fans of fireworks!
Wonderful, we don’t do the big bonfires like you do in Europe. I am an inside kittie, mum keeps the windows closed during the boomer time and keeps me distracted with playtime.
i am very fortunate my cats do not care about fireworks
On our Independence Day, my human had the noisy air conditioner upstairs blasting all night so we barely heard anything.
Most excellent post! Luckily there is no fireworks around where mes lives. There is a BIG fireworks festival in Vancouver every summer, tonight is the last night for this year and Mommy has heard some booms, but mes has slept through them.
awesum post pixie & zorro….thanx be ta de cod in de seaz fire werkz iz
done round heer…….for now ~~~~~~
heerz two a righteye flounder kinda week oh end two ewe both ! ♥♥♥
We don’t have fireworks near us but they can be seen across the river. I don’t like loud noises, but Eric used to sit in the window and watch them.
Pawsum posty.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
We are glad our fireworks time is over
Those are some mighty good suggestions. We all hate fireworks too. They are very scary. Love that picture. That is one good place to hide. You all have a good week end.
Every July 4th we go through the same thing here – I’ve learned to play music loudly – it seems counter-intuitive – but I think the constant noise level is easier on Bear. Every time I’ve done it, he’s finally fallen asleep within 5 minutes.
What great information! We celebrated our big fireworks day here in the US on July 4th. Luckily, none of my furbabies seem to care one bit about fireworks. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Oh we hate fireworks they are so bad here and last for weeks! I hope you all stay safe and sound indoors, and happy anniversary! Love Dolly
Oh! We really hate the bangs and the booms…
Have a super Saturday and a great celebration day.
Noodle and crew
Great tips, dear pals. WE don;t like fireworks here, either … very scary. Wishing you a happy (and safe and quiet) Swiss National Holiday!
Thanks for these great tips! We’re not too afraid of fireworks, which amazes Mommy. She still takes precautions to keep us safe, though.
Great tips! Fireworks are no fun at all for our pets.
Our guys were never bothered by fireworks until this year on July 4th. They were louder and longer than ever before. We kept the windows and curtains closed for sure.