29 thoughts on “Guess who celebrates his birthday today ?

  1. Mary McNeil

    Feliz cumpleanos, El Zorro ! (Sorry, that’s the only non-English I know. And many more, Handsome Cat !

  2. da tabbies o trout towne

    DOOD !!!

    sendin best fishes ♫♪♫♪ mice creem dishes ♫♪♫♪ N happee day wishes two ewe fora total lee awesum 4th !!! N joy yur day…haz lotz oh fun, eat lotz oh cake & pie & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥♥♥☺☺☺

  3. The Menagerie Mom

    Oh no, I think I missed your birthday and party yesterday, Zorro. I’m so sorry! Well, happy belated birthday, handsome Zorro! I hope you celebrated with lots of extra nip and treats and toys and snuggles!

  4. Canadian Cats

    You’re 4! Wow, I’m old…you’re half my age. You know what this means Zorro. It means I’m old and wise compared to you. So you must listen to my sage advice. MOL *Shoko then pulls a bag over her head.*


  5. The Daily Pip

    Happy Birthday Zorro! These pictures are wonderful and your personality shines through! I think you might get along with our kitty Rosie. She makes some of these same funny facial expressions. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

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