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ZORRO : Crack a smile, Pixie !
PIXIE : I don’t feel like…
ZORRO : C’mon, a pretty smile for the photo…
PIXIE : I don’t want, I tell you !
PIXIE : Don’t push me around, I’m not in the mood !
ZORRO : Wow ! Girls ! You’re so touchy …
PIXIE : Do you want a slap again ? My paw is ready, you know !
PIXIE : What ? Do you also want my photo ?
♪ ♬ Love is in the air ♫ ♩
ha! yes… girl! reminds me of the momma LOL but as long as love is in the air efurrything is fine :o)
Yes Pixie, we do want to see your pretty face
Are you two play fighting ?
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Some great action photos there!
Ha-ha, the camera caught all your bad behavior, Pixie!
Those were fun photos though!
pixie & zorro….ya mite knot haz wanted ta smile but theeze R sum
awesum fotoz Claire cap sured !!! we like de last one de best
heerz two a zebra oto kinda week oh end ♥♥♥
MOL! It looks like Pixie is the boss around there, Zorro!
Don’t mess with Pixie!
Did you two kiss and make up?!
the critters in the cottage xo
So, Pixie, did you smile? And, Zorro, you didn’t actually slap Pixie, did you?
Pixie finally did not smile, and she’s rather been slapping me than the contrary ! Purrs, Zorro
You are both such cuties, why don’t you want to look at the camera?
you are both so cute! xoxo
Thanks for sharing those great photos!
You look like you were having fun…
Noodle and crew
Didn’t anybody ever tell you not to mess with tri-color cats, Zorro?
You heard the lady cat. She’s not in the mood. Back away and no one gets hurt.
Well, even though we did not get to see Pixie’s smile, these photos made US smile.
Happy Sunday, dear pals!
Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! Yous guys is too funny! Yous cracks mes up! Mes bets as soon as the camera is gone yous gotted all smiley and cuddly together!
Sending yous many kisses
Aaaaaaaw Zorro and Pixie we just luv ya’ll. You both look gawjus. Now Pixie be nice, Zorro luvs ya’.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Loved to see you two in kind of action..MOL
Pawkisses for a wonderful day