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Today, it’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, and we chose to tell you about pirate cats.
The cat was very useful to eliminate the rats which teemed on boat, but nevertheless, his reputation remained ambiguous.
In Brittany, you should not see a cat before leaving on sea at the risk of seeing your trip cancelled. A black cat brought bad luck to French people, but he was welcome on board by English people. He was common to have also one at home, because we believed that nothing would arrive at the sailor as long as the cat would be fed well and be safe.
If a cat embarked by himself, he was accepted on the ship, because his eviction risked to provoke storms. We also thought that if the cat of the ship was thrown overboard, a storm would get up and a terrible bad luck would follow.
If the cat of the ship approached a sailor, it was a sign of good luck. But if the cat turned back before arriving towards the sailor, this one knew that a misfortune would soon arrive to him.
Pirates thought that cats could predict the weather. A cat who waved his tail announced a storm, a cat who sneezed announced the rain, a playful cat announced a lively wind, a cat who licked himself against the grain announced a storm of hail. Some sailors claimed that a cat was more reliable than a barometer.
Polydactiles cats were considered as very lucky. We believed that their additional fingers made them better mousers and allowed them to have a better balance in case of reeling.
Most interesting facts Zorro!
Happy Meow like a Pirate Day!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Omi Cod, what a fierce animal! Aren’t you the fierce one! I bet YOU can predict the weather!
Pawsome facts!!! Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!
The Florida Furkids
Wow, how interesting! Thanks for sharing these facts about sailing cats. Arrrrrr!
Interesting facts Zorro, thanks for sharing! Happy Meow like a Pirate day! Xx
isn’t that crazy that the french sailors refused to have a cat on board, but the most famous piratesse was named La Tigresse – a cat :O) Awwhoy let’s ride all 7 seas and lets have a bottle of rum!
My sister Mason has the thumbs. I’m not sure if that makes her a better mouser or not but she sure is good at doin’ the smacky paws, for sure. MOUSES!
Arrrg Matey’s! A fine ship ye be havin’g today.
Wow, those are really interesting facts! I don’t know if I’d want to go live on a ship though.
Yarrr Zorro yee got the name right as you are one fine good luck black cat. Welcome aboard!
Terrible Tim and his Fearless Family
Thank you for letting us know all these sailor superstitions about cats. I had not heard any of these.
So many facts we didn’t know about cats and pirates! Thank you for your unique take on the day!
what a fun fun post two day guys !!! thanx for sharin ~~~~~~
blimey buckoz; a draught two all ye bucaneerz N hearties spesh a lee sum nelsonz folly ~~~ ♥♥♥♥
Those are interesting superstitions, Zorro. You make a fine pirate
We didn’t know any of that!
Great info…
Noodle and crew
We learned something new today!
Wowwzers! and Avast Maties!!!
What a interesting post about cats on ships! Mes leaned a lot!
Wes sorry wes not commented a lot over the last week. Mommy has been sleep deprived between work, traveling to get Cinnamon, Kozmo and Jo Jo. Wes gotted behind.
Nellie, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Jo Jo
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Very inneresting facts. Whenever I think about cats on boats, the song Lucifer Sam by Syd Barrett comes to mind.
Arrgh! What a swashbuckling pirate ye be, Mate. Thanks for the history.
avast ye, Cap’n Zorro! those be interestin pirate cat facts!
pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto
TBT here: I loved those. Sailors were superstitious people (humans who are not in control of situations usually are, and few forces of nature are more constantly out of human control than the oceans). The colors and actions of cats (among the more mysterious of animals humans have frequent contact with) as interpreted by humans ranges from good to evil for the same actions and appearances. Shows what WE know, LOL!
I laughed (in a sad way) about a ship’s cat being thrown overboard causing bad luck and storms. Well, it wasn’t so good for the cat either! So at least whoever threw it offship DESERVED some punishment…
There are some animals that have similarities to cats. Rats and weasels are intelligent, are hunters, and do well nocturnally. But which would you want curling up on your lap, licking your plate, and trusted to use a litterbox? LOL!
Thanks for sharing those pirate facts. You make a fine pirate!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Very cool pirate and cat facts. Mom was late posting ours and getting to visit so belated Meow Like a Pirate Day wishes!
Pawsum posty and you look very handsum Zorro.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Wow! Lots of great information there about pirate cats, pirates, and cats! Thanks for sharing!
Arrr Mateys! You provided some PAWESOME Pirate history! xoxo
Geez, I had no idea cats had so much power aboard ships. Rosie is happy to hear that the English welcomed black cats aboard.
Now we know all cats bring good luck.
I love your pirate photo, Zorro! You make a great pirate.
It is amazing how superstitious sailors are! At least cats were seen in a favorable light by them.