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The weekend was cold and rainy, but we are proud to announce you that Claire showed all her catitude during the afternoon : she squatted in the sofa, settled down under a blanket with her Kindle, her laptop, and a nice cup of tea.

In case it may interest you, she inaugurated her new socks, and lets you know that they are great comfy.
comfy socks
There is no photo (as we told you she did nothing!), but we were also with her on the sofa.

Although all this rain is beneficial for the nature, we hope that the weather report will soon be more clement : we almost have the impression to be in November !

Good week start !

18 thoughts on “Catitude

  1. da tabbies o trout towne

    guyz…a rainee dayz good for fishin wermz N a breef chillax with yur
    peepulz; we agreez tho…itz like novemburr heer two….N while we
    due knot like summer time; it could warm up a bit….claire’s sox iz
    awesum bye de way ~~~~ 🙂 ♥♥

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