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We’re happy to tell you that we received the Blogger Recognition Award from Johnny , of Pets Overload, about ten days ago.
It’s always pleasant to receive one of these blogger-to-blogger awards, and it’s a nice way to let our new readers know a little bit more about us.
Here are the rules :
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to his blog
- Write a post to show your award
- Give a brief story of how your blog started
- Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
Johnny, Beau, Walker, Twitch, Flub, and Blub, thank you for giving us this award !
How did The Swiss Cats start ?
Inspired by Mr Bumpy, his very first Internet buddy, our Angel Loupi founded the blog The Swiss Cats in April 2012. He wanted to share his adventures with the world, spread some Swiss cat wisdom, and find pals.
Step by step, our goal has become clearer : we want to educate and entertain our readers ; we speak about topics like behavior, health and safety, and we share many anecdotes inspired by our daily life. Since 2013, The Swiss Cats began to post more regularly. two or three times a week.
Our advice to new bloggers are :
First : have fun !
Be true and trustful to your readers. Always.
Learn and make friends : join communities, ask questions, respect copyright stuff and other fair blogging rules, and visit and comment on other blogs.
Oops ! That’s more than two pieces of advice !
« Select 15 other bloggers »:
Are you kidding ? We know and follow far more than 15 bloggers all around the world who deserve that award ! This last rule is impossible to respect for us, feel free to grab this award if you want it.
Congratulations on your award!
Congrats oh this award!
We enjoy visiting your blog
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Congrats! Johnny is a cool dude and we always look forward to visiting your blog!
Congratulations! We love your new blogger advice and very much enjoy visiting here!
Everyone has a different way of looking at cat behavior and health, so I love reading your blog to learn more. One can never know too much about their kitty friends! Concats!
We’re so grateful to know you! Pixie’s such a gorgeous girl and we love Zorro’s white patch!
Concatulations on that award! Great advice.
The Florida Furkids
Concatulations to YOU we love YOU and your blog!
pixie N zorro….conga ratz on yur awardz….we N joyed reedin mor bout ewe both N de way awesum fotoz two day ~~~
Congrats on the award! Your pictures are fabulous today!
Congrats on your award, well deserved. Excellent advice. Adorable photos of Pixie and Zorro. XO
I always enjoy coming by to see what Pixie and Zorro are doing. I also try to read the french version first, just to learn a few more words or phrases.
Great tips and concatulations on the well-deserved award!
Congrats of the awardie! And we agree 15 is way too much to ask.
congrats!!! and you said it right… the main thing is to have fun!
Congrats on your award. We think your advice on blogging is just perfect. Mainly, just have fun. Your pictures are great today. Have a great week end.
Congratulations on your award, sweet pals! We think your tips are purrfect!
Con~cat~ulations! We love your advice especially about having fun and meeting new bloggers.
ConCats. Great advice. Ya’ll be lookin’ great. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Congrats on the award!
Have a super Sunday…
Noodle and crew