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The weather was foul this weekend : stormy winds with gusts up to 90 kph (55 mph), snowdrifts formations because of the blown snow, then rain. We were very happy to have a litter box inside !
It was a weather for snuggling together.
Claire also took advantage of it to do some decluttering, and Momo enjoyed counting the cars that sticked into the snowdrift which had just formed front at our home. Fortunately, nothing serious and no damages, all the vehicles were able to leave after some efforts, a good shovel swing, and a little of mutual aid.
Our first greeting cards begin to arrive, by post and by email, and our garland of cards fills up little by little. We’ll show you when there are more. We also know that we received two packages from Miami, and we are sure that they come from our Secret Paw, but Claire didn’t let us open them at the moment ! She said that we had to wait a little. Hey, they’re our presents all the same, why can’t we open them at once ?!?
it#s amazing how fast the time flies after we saw the furst signs of christmouse…. the mama is all needles and pins, she has not even an idea for da gifts… think I will help her out with my wishlist as long as a highway ;o)
How cool that you got presents from Miami! I can’t wait to see what you got either!
That is a big bunch of Brrrrrr Humbug and way too cold. Christmas cards are fun though!
snow here too, but not that much wind!
oh what fun (about the prezzies and the cards!) That wind sounded bad!
Looking at present boxes you cannot open yet is difficult, but you can smell them.
So glad you two got to stay inside. Looks really cold to us and two sure look comfy in that bed. You all have a great day.
pixie N zorro……cranbereez that iz sum FOWL weatherz !!! knot even fit for burd….we R glad two ewe haz litter boxez inn side……
We all would rather be *IN* Miami, than simply getting packages from there! It’s supposed to snow and get really cold here for the next few days…ugh!
we have a storm starting up here too so very happy for a warm litter box indoors!
We have had gales too with bitterly cold easterly wind. Only a few snow flurries though. Snuggling is the best thing to do in this weather.
It is nice to see you two snuggling. XO
We love the pictures of you two on the cat tree together. Winter is the time for snuggling!
Sounds like you guys had a good time during the snow storm! Looking at these pictures makes me so happy to be in Bournemouth rather than Toronto this year! No snow here, though I know there was snow in many other parts of the UK.
Hope you guys don’t mind being cooped up indoors too much!