Welcome to Siberia !

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It’s been cold, very cold at the beginning of last week (-12 C / 10 F), and we didn’t go out a lot.

On Wednesday evening, the wind got up, and it began to snow. Gusts were very strong, it blew all night long. The wind was so violent that the next day, Claire and her colleagues let the children come in the classrooms before the bell, and kept them inside for the break : imagine, the wind almost brought down the smallest of them ! The airport of Geneva was even closed on Thursday. This cold snap affected all Europe, and we hope that it’s the last glorious valediction of winter before the arrival of spring.

We thus found other activities to spend time : Pixie helped Claire to tidy up the kitchen, and I stayed warm on the radiator.

(iPhone photos with bad light…)

The weather fortunately calmed down for end of the week, and we enjoyed a magnificent sunny Sunday.

And in your area, did you also bear icy temperatures and the blizzard ?

27 thoughts on “Welcome to Siberia !

  1. Mickey's Musings

    We have had some very strong winds and storm surge that caused the ocean to send waves over roads close to the shore. There was some rain and snow flurries, but mostly wind. Our tempa range from -2C at night to 5C in daytime.This week will be overcast with rain and snow flurries again.Temps will be similar to last week. We will see no sun this week.
    We are cozy indoors though 🙂
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  2. Teddy

    WOW! You had some bad weather…….we had terrific winds but no snow…..it was scary as we have a lot of TALL oaks trees and several were blown down – fortunately only in our woods and not on our house! No school here either AND even government offices were closed as well as airports. Things are back to whatever NORMAL is now though. Thank heavens! Stay safe…………..and let’s hope Spring comes SOON!

    Love, Teddy

  3. Frimousse's Master

    Our place and your place were the same.
    Frimousse would have adored!
    I took care of birds, by supplying them with sunflower seeds in particular.
    Quite a lot of snow left in the garden. But as temperatures are well above 0°C, it should melt.

  4. Edie Chase

    We had a little snow last night. We are going to get a big snowstorm Wednesday. I wish spring would hurry up and get here.

  5. da tabbies o trout towne

    wavez two ewe pixie N zorro !!! we R glad ole man winter mooved on out N hope new dood springs just round de korner; we dinna see any oh de crazed weatherz thiz round N for that we iz most thanx ful ~~~ 🙂

  6. caren gittleman

    well at least when you have frigid weather your view is so magnificent that it makes up for it doesn’t it? When we are having frigid temps we see NOTHING as beautiful as that!

  7. Eastside Cats

    We had warm temperatures (way above average!) in the beginning of last week, then a huge snow storm swept in, dumping slush and ice, then snow on us. Thankfully, most of that is melted away now, but there is rumblings of more of the same coming in tomorrow. But…it’s March! At some point, it’s going to end, and The ‘O’ Cats will be very happy to have no more ice landing on their wee heads.

  8. Just Ducky

    It got nice here, the summer birds showed up, all the snow was gone. Tonight, Monday, it is blowing hard and we are getting snow. Mum says not much of it yet, but still, snow.

  9. LP

    We have had a lot of sun this week, but did gt some snow last week. When we get snow here , the mountains look even more beautiful and clear than usual, just like your beautiful view! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

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