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Summer is coming to its end, but the weather remains magnificent : our humans had an nice walk by the lake via the magnificently flowered waterfronts of Montreux and the impressive castle of Chillon.
The harvest season is not ended, and our apple tree sometimes gives us funny apples, like this one :
I remain carefully remote, because they don’t stop falling !
How is the weather at your place ? Do you already feel that autumn is coming ?
Our Star Fruit is falling – mainly because of evil squirrels. We’re too warm to grow Apples, Do you also have a ‘nip patch?
Those are some beautiful photos. I wish we had an apple tree here. Apples don’t grow here in Florida but we do get citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit. Unfortunately, I have no fruit trees in my yard.
We have lots of apple trees, but no apples are as shapely as yours! The scenery by the lake is beautiful.
Very beautiful photographs. I am eating apples every day as there are so many in my trees–more than I can eat!
Apple season is big here in Vermont too! There’s nothing more beautiful than fall
Everything sure is beautiful. We just had a big Apple Festival in our area and it sure was crowded. Hey, we might have a hurricane headed our way, yuck.
WOW! What gorgeous scenery! It sure looks like around here. And Pixel, you are drop dead gorgeous too.
I’m not too keen on apples, but Mom and Alex are! Dad brought some from the Okanagan and they have almost eaten them all!
OMC! The scenery is stunning! How lucky you live in such a beautiful place.
It’s so beautiful where you live! It’s been rainy, hot and humid here. And now a hurricane is coming.
I wish we had the type of weather to grow apples – but it’s too hot and dry here! Weirdly enough, one of California’s apple-growing areas is only a couple of hours from us.
It’s still quite hot here except for this past weekend as some of the storms begin to move closer. We’ve had days of rain with more to come from Hurricane Florence. The flowers there are so beautiful ! Enjoy the nice weather while you can…………..
Hugs, Teddy
We don’t have an apple tree in our garden. But we gave plenty of peaches – for the first time! The plums on the questch tree are nearly ripe.
And a few delicious pears.
Some black berries but the raspberries were scarce this year.
Autumn? No sign, for the time being.
Quite hot today Frimousse’s Mistress is going paddling on the Lake with a friend this afternoon.
(Stand-up paddle)
that apple IS funny!! Ha!!! It cooled off here but I heard the “hots” are coming back mid week…….I am NOT happy about it!
Beautiful! It’s almost apple season here, too! Apples mean autumn weather for us and we’re looking forward to snuggly autumn weather!
Our mom just LOVES castles and would love to visit the one in your photo. That’s a very curvy apple!
Beautiful photos. It is apple season here too. It is finally cooling off here. XO
The Evil Squirrels take away our green apples here. And we have rain most day for almost 3 months. The whole place is a swamp!
pixie…wavez ta yur gorgeouz self ~~~~~ it iz ALL most apple seezon heer…few weekz yet & itz oh fish ul……de fotoz claire taked two day iz AWESUM !!
it’s apple season here in Canada too! wonderful!
Of all the gorgeous landscape shots … you are the prettiest Pixie! I haven’t had home-grown apples in YEARS.
Mommy said the apple looked purretty yummy. but we say ifin they’re fallin’ from the skies, beware. MOL Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Such beautiful photographs!
We hope your summer was lovely and that you are all well
Yes, It is beginning to feel a bit like Autumn here in Vancouver. The weather has dropped in temperature and we are all happy about that!
the critters in the cottage xo
Such a bumper crop of apples. Yummy!! The weather here is cold. Mom is going to check the “falling down houses” apple tree and see if she can get any,
Shoko, Tyebe and Budd