Farewell, Tommy

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We miss the words…

Today, we lost a friend : gentle Tommy received his wings after a brief but courageous battle against an agressive cancer (we were talking about it here).

All our comforting thoughts go to #1 and to our pals from the Poupounette Gang.

14 thoughts on “Farewell, Tommy

  1. Purrseidon

    I am so sorry that you’ve lost a dear furiend. It seems like too many are leaving and there is surely too much cancer going around.

  2. Sherri-Ellen T-D.

    Wee were hopin fore sum sort of mirakill too! Butt Cancer iss meen an nastee an it just nevurr givess upss!! Mee knowss that. Lsoin Tommy poochie iss furry sad….hee was such a guud frend to mee.
    Run free Tommy <3 <3
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma

  3. Valentine

    May Tommy now run pain free through the clouds, over the rainbow , and through the flowered fields in the sky as plays and watches over you, his pals, and his family. RIP Tommy.

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