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DEFINITION : a lousy attempt to apologize or explain expressed by a human (on vacation !) to justify that she does absolutely nothing to help you visit friends’ blogs and read the 228 articles that have been waiting for you for four days while she had time to have a migraine and thus stay in bed for 48 hours.

Beside this, Claire keeps saying she’s looking forward to Monday : do you have any idea why she’s saying that ?
Aww, I hope she’s feeling better!
Purrs to Claire from all of us! What’s up on Monday Zorro?
Is Monday a holly day for your mum? Is she leaving on a trip? Hope her head feels better soonest.
I hope your human feels better! The guy my human is seeing gets them occasionally, and they are awful.
I hope Claire is soon feeling better. I used to regularly get migraines years ago and know they are very debilitating. *touch wood* I haven’t had any for a very long time now.
Poor Claire! Migraines are the worst! Mystery Monday – what’s up?
Looking good, Zorro! We’re sorry to hear about Claire’s migraine. We hope she feels better real soon.
Oh no, purrs for Claire. My mom gets migraines, but she has a medication that stops the headache and makes her feel better.
Claire has it too, but she missed the magic moment when you must take it at the very beginning of the crisis. Purrs
Sure hope Clair feels better really soon. No fun, those headaches. Can’t wait to see what Monday brings.
Headaches are no fun. I hope Clair feels better soon.
Oh no! I’m sorry your momma has been feeling down and low with “migraines.” My dad gets those sometimes and we he does he stays home from work, ’cause they make him get an upset tummy and flashes of light in his eyes that make him dizzy, too. Maybe when Monday comes Miss Claire will be feeling much better. I hope so. Hugs.
I hope your Mom is feeling better quickly.
EEK, Zorro! That’s an icky reason for a purrson to be home; here’s hoping she’s feeling much better now!
Sometimes you just can’t do it all and something has to give. And friends understand!
What!?! What happens Monday!?
Bless your heart! Migraines are the worst!
Lookin’ good Zorro. We think you’re right ’bout that busy word. MOL Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Wee hope Miss Claire iss all bettur from beein sick!
Zorro yore gorgeeuss….do not wurry ’bout beein busy. Wee get busy here an do not get to vizzit as much as wee wuud like…..
Butt mee iss here now an happy to see you an Pixie!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma