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1, 2, 3, …24…51….68, 69, 70 ! I got 70 comments for my commentathon, that’s great !
Thanks to you, I will be able to make a nice donation to the Haut-Léman shelter.
Thanks to all of you !
And here’s the nice card I got from Pippo, Dalton and Benji. It arrived the day of my Gotcha Day, but with the time difference, I could not publish it in the article. Thank you friends !

That’s great that you got a good number of comments so that you could make a nice donation to your shelter. They will ‘appawsiate’ it.
The time difference…oopsie, we kind of forgot about that, MOL!
That is great news for the shelter
Very nice birthday card too Pixie.
Dalton and Pipo’s mum does pawsome cards.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
That’s a lot of comments. That is very nice of you to help the shelter.
You sure look pretty sweet Pixie and hooray for a nice donation!
pixie; that IZ one total lee awesum card N 984 pawz UP on all yur commintz….itz soooper grate
oh ewe to give bak like thiz ♥♥♥♥♥♥
That’s a lot of comments. It’s really nice of you to help the shelter.
Good job on the comment-a-thon. The shelter will appreciate it!
Lending a paw to others is very noble, Pixie! You are a doll-baby!
You are beautiful as always Pixie, congratulations on your successful commentathon!
Oh what a lovely card
and it arrived in time for your announcement which is PURRRRFECT and even better.
Well done with the commentathon, I hope the rescue are pleased too.
How awesome that your commenthon was so successful!
Great job on the commentathon! How kind of you to donate to help kitties in need. XO
Good for you, Pixie!
Pixie, that is a lot of comments! ConCATulations on a successful commentathon, and for helping those shelter kitties!
Oh, Pixie, I thought I did come to your pawty, but then I wasn’t sure, so I checked it out and saw that I haven’t been there…sorry, my furriend…hope to be more vigilant next time
Extra Pawkisses for a Happy belated Gotcha Day and a wonderful week ahead
Concats on your commentathon, that’s a huge achievement
Congratulations on a most successful commentathon Pixie! How special to celebrate your day by GIVING.
Love, Teddy
Woo hoo! What a success!
Pixie, you received a lot of comments! Congratulations on being able to make such a generous donation to the shelter.
Wow! You sure will help some kitties that need it!
Wonderful result!
Woohoo! That’s a great donation.
Wonderful Pixie it was so much fun coming to your pawty