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We haven’t published recently and visited many people because Claire was still super busy with her work. But things are slowly starting to calm down, and the holidays can finally begin.
We had a nice visitor in our garden : a musk beetle.

We also have a beautiful resident : a carpenter bee.

The musk beetle came to say hello on Sunday during lunch, and the bee has been living in our log since last year. She’s a very nice neighbor, not aggressive at all. Her body measures 2.5 to 3 cm ; she digs perfect holes in the wood, and the big pile of sawdust on which she landed is proof of her efforts !
amazing that an insect can even go through wood… better than the screw gun our daddy bought… he ended screwed…
You are apparently on a different schedule than we are in the States! School has been out for some weeks here, and some people are even thinking about the whole Back to School thing already!
Pupils are on holiday since July, 6th, but as an executive assistant Claire usually has 1-2 more weeks to work, and she comes back to work earlier as well (August, 12th for her, August 26th for the pupils). She also spends 1-2 weeks at home preparing fun and less fun activities for her pupils. Purrs
Those are quite the bugs!
Yay for holidays!!!!!!! Bet it will be good to have your people around all the time
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Those sure are some cool critters, and beautiful photos, too. We’re about to take a little bloggy break here as mom and dad are on the move again. Fortunately, it’s only a small move, but dad and I probably won’t be back here for a week or so.
Meowser those are very interesting looking insects. Do you play with them or merely watch them, as we do birds?
We have carpenter bees here too and while they are very industrious and amazing we do wish they wouldn’t drill holes in our front porch railing and our back deck rails! We have woods all around so plenty of things for them to drill in but I think they prefer the SOFTER wood of our railings…..LOL
Hugs, Teddy and Pam
We have carpenter bees around here too; they like our old barn!
Wow, I’ve never seen the results of a carpenter bee’s work – impressive! Pixie, you are beautiful as always – enjoy your holiday!
We hope you all enjoy your holiday time and have a happy bug watching day!
Those are some great close ups.
Whoa! those are ugly buggers. That doesn’t look like a bee at all. I hope Claire will finally get to rest and dote on you soon.
We hope you all enjoy your holiday time off. The musk beetle is really cool looking. Great to see you have some little bug friends around. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
Yay for your mum getting a holly-day. Rest and relax.
wavez two ewe pixie N zorro N de houz guestz !! N joy holly day time with claire; N make sure ya get…IN TRUBULLZ !!!
I am glad Claire has more time for you now.
I have never seen either of those here. I hope Claire has a lovely and relaxing holiday. Most of the schools here don’t break up until the middle of next week and then they go back the middle of the first week of September.
Wow! Our old bro William would have loved your little friends! He had several of his own at the old house.
That is a lovely photo of you Pixie! And how nice for you to have some friends to entertain you in the garden ;p
Our humom hopes your mom will enjoy her holidays!
the critters in the cottage xo
OMC We don’t know ’bout your visitors Pixie. We’ve been dealin’ with gnats and are so fed up of insects right now. MOL But, you look gawjus. Glad things are settlin’ down fur ya’. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Yikes! Those are some interesting visitors. I’m a wimp when it comes to bugs, so I’m glad they’re visiting over there and not here.
WOW! Seems that the music of the bands go on in your garden, that’s amazing, Pixie
They look quite impurressive too. Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you
What wonderful visitors you have there Pixie. We have the odd carpenter bee here too. We love those holes that look like they are drilled. Thanks for coming to my birthday pawty you cats.
i like that you are not frightened of bugs like some people-they do indeed make fascinating neighbors!
Great post! We have visitors at our house, too… the two-legged variety. Purrs from Deb and the Zee/Zoey gang.
Meow wow that iss um Musky Beetle…hee or shee tooked a grate Selfie, mew mew mew….
An Blue Bee iss furry an cute…..wee not have them here.
While mee likes yore vizitorss yore Selfie oss beeuteeful Pixie!!!!
Pleese give Miss Claire our ree-gardss!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma
Hooray for the holidays! And we love the photos of you, PIxie, and the musk beetle and carpenter bee!
Pixie, that beetle’s feelers are as long as its body. It’s a wonder it doesn’t walk sideways. The bee is a fine example of the quote….”Busy as a bee.”
Those are some wonderful photos Pixie.
Enjoy your holidays! Those have to be the most beautiful insects that I’ve ever seen. Is that bee really blue?!?
Yes, it is. It glows in the sun, it’s amazing ! Purrs
Um…um…well, petcretary says while your bug closeup/selfies are gorgeous, she is glad they are ‘just pictures’…MOL! Carpenter bees and their cousins carpenter ants can make havoc on our wooden house. And we too have plenty of trees aroud, including softer dead ones for them to ‘use’. Do they put eggs in the holes they make? Of r do they put their prey in them for future reference. Or maybe they thmeselves hide in the holes?
Never have seen a beetle like that! Whoot, it sure has LONG antennae.
Wow, Pixie. You have some cool new friends!