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Our year 2020 should be excellent thanks to all the wishes we received : postcards, e-cards, emails, comments, messages, they made us very happy.

Like every year, we made a garland with your postcards ; it has decorated our house so far.

Can you find your card ?

And here is an overview of the e-cards we received :
Your friendship is very important to us, and will accompany us throughout the year. Thank you once again for your good wishes !
That is a lot of lovely cards.
Such wonderful “gifts” from friends!!
That is a lovely display of cards
Purrs,Georgia and Julie
Seeing you sweet kitties always makes us happy and that’s such a nice bunch of cards!
Look at all those cards, sweet pals. We love you, and hope you have a fabulous year!
You got lots of lovely cards!
I know this is a tad late, but we wish you all a very Happy New Year, full of joy and love and fun, and maybe even a little prosperous too
We saw ours! YAY… Glad you got it.
it will be a super year for all of us… friendship and love can make all things to something special and good.
wavez two ewe pixie N zorro anda most happee healthee 2020 two ewe both & claire & momo az well.
all de cardz ya getted bee awesum !!
you received a ton!! But then again, if I sent a ton I would have received more (or NOT) MOL MOL MOL!!!
Beautiful picture of Pixie. You received a lot of beautiful cards. They certainly brightened up the view towards the ceiling! That’s a very creative way to display all the cards.
I love that card garland. What a great way to display all those beautiful cards!
Aww, what a nice collection! I’ve love to mail you a card also!
Unfortunately, the comment gadget on Blogger isn’t working now, and I don’t know who to get my info to you, so you can send me YOUR info…*shrug*
You sure had lots of beautiful cards to decorate your domain!
Happy New Year! May 2020 be marvelous all the months through!
That is a great display. I see ours
Those cards make the house look so festive!
that is truly the best collection of cards I have ever seen!!
Super cards! We found ours hanging and in the eCards!!!
The Florida Furkids
Those cards are treasures. The custom ones are a work of art. Yes, I found my cards. Every year TW promises to hang my cards to photograph them and once again she didn’t.
Wow! That’s quite the selection! We hope 2020 is everything you hope it will be!
Wow, that is a lot of cards! I love the garland and the collage, very nice!
Mee-yow wow!!! So many beeuteefull Catmass an eCardss youss’ gotted Pixie an Zorro!!! This yeer LadyMew needss to get yore address so wee cuud mail a card to you from us.
Happy MEW Yeer to both of you an Miss Claire an Momo too!
**purrsss** BellaDahrma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew too