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We’re thinking of you; we hope you’re still healthy, and that this COVID-thingy doesn’t fall upon you too much.

Claire started an exciting but time-consuming training that will last almost two years. Between this training and her usual work, her days are full, but above all, she monopolizes the computer !
It’s almost impossible to put a paw on it during the week ! We can just take a quick look at your blogs, and still…
Pixie is seriously considering the teleportation tunnel option to visit you…

We are just happy to know that you are all okay and thanks for letting us know. Come on over Pixie, you too Zorro, Simon will play with you!
We are doing well here, and let’s hope that her busy-ness will keep you cats in cat food!
It sounds like there are some exciting things going on at your house, even though they don’t involve kitties. My human is working hard to steer clear of Covid.
Claire, we totally understand. Thanks for letting us know. Our Mom was in the same situation. We love you guys, you are AWSOME!
You can both come visit us. I am impressed that Claire is so motivated. I am lazy. XO
we wish you claire all da good luck… and we would like to have a real teleport tunnel, what brings us to a place where da virus never will be…
I am glad you are all doing well and keeping safe. Good luck for Claire with her training.
Totally understand! I’m busy with raising a rambunctious puppy and can barely get anything done while he’s up and Lenny is working. Best of luck with your training!
It’s good to hear from you – you all will have to support Claire while she’s doing all that training – maybe she should get you your very own ipad? Tee Hee
Hugs, Teddy
Don’t let your mum work too hard, she needs to chill and look at kitty pics now and then.
Zorro and Pixie, you are so cute! Please use that tunnel to visit anytime. Best to your very busy Mom – you go girl!
We miss you all but understand and love to see you when you can post or stop by. Pixie you are welcome anytime and we suggest landing on Dads big bed.
It is difficult to follow everyone’s blog every day or even look everyday. The pandemic saps the spirit. Greg has stayed in his home almost a year now going out rarely. It does take a toll mentally, but we are fine. Wish we could time travel to another time. You might have to quarantine ten days after using the teleport machine!
wavez two ewe pixie N zorro; nice ta see a post frum ewe. we send claire best best fizhez on her training N hope all goez az planned. we total lee understand bout time for bloggin….we hope ta see ewe round de
internetz everee now & then….bee safe N healthee ♥♥♥
We’re glad to hear from you too ! Purrs !
We’re glad you all are doing well. Good luck to Claire with her training.
Come teleport to our house if you want!
So far our peeps have not gotten that awful disease. Our pawrents have both gotten the covid vaccines, both shots so they are safe…well, safer:)
Concats to you, Miss Clair for getting training to further your career, we imagine:)
It’s good that you are all well and keeping busy (maybe a little too busy?). We are all healthy and waiting our turn to get the vaccine. We hope Claire is enjoying her studies.
Teleportation tunnel? Cool! Now my cats want one of those too. Sounds like an intense training program. I’m sure she will do great!