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We are currently enjoying a beautiful autumn weather conducive to walks, and our humans don’t deprive themselves.

The season seems to be enabling DIY too : here is Momo’s latest work.

We don’t really see what this beautiful tunnel is for, and we need your help: we’ve heard the words architect, perimeter insulation, scaffolding, spring, they-need-to-get-used-to-it-first. It looks like a coded message !
In your view, what do you think all this means ?

pixie N zorro…pleez ta tell claire…. foto three iz total lee awesum….nice cap sure !!

pleez ta tell momo…. nice werk on de P & Z tunnel….at leest ewe willna hafta payz a “toll” $$$$
we think thiz meenz ewe both came sneek outta de houz at any kinda time ewe want !!!
haz ewe uzed thiz yet ?
Looks like it will keep the snow from blocking the door for you.
Your area sure is pretty! Dang, that must be an escape tunnel!
You live in a beautiful country. XO
Uh oh. It sounds like a lot of hiding will be in store for you both!
We love the scenery photos!
Wow, a kitty tunnel?? That is wonderful for when you need fresh air and the peeps are not able to open the door for you.
You live in a very picturesque region!
Wow, we are sure glad Claire and Momo are getting those beautiful nature walks in. Um, we are guessing that new structure will be useful in the wintertime? Hugs!
That contraption looks very mysterious to me!
with a red carpet it is like walking da capet of da academy awards… your mom is da best!
That looks like something that will het you get in and out of the home
That would be so cool!!
Purrs, Julie
Well I think it will definitely give you a way to enjoy some fresh air when you come out your kitty door without getting wet or snowy or windy…….you can sit in the tunnel and enjoy being outside while being inside (the tunnel of course). It will also block snow and stuff from keeping you from coming out the little door. Smart project I’d say!
Hugs, Teddy
Hmm, a tunnel to ? Your home area is pretty.
Hmmm! Hope they are thinking of making you guys outdoor-only cats or worse yet welcoming introoders.
Oh! My! Code! We need our Mom to get us something like this for our cat door! Brillieant!
Autumm inn THE Mountainss lookss dee-litefull.
Now this tunnel project Zorro…due you have any semi-feral catss ’round there…it sorta lookss like a Kitty Shelter……very innn-terestin rite?
Wee hope you solve THE mystery soon.
***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSIta
What gorgeous photos!! We’re thinking that tunnel will make life easier for you…?
That tunnel is mysterious! Your scenery and lovely weather is beautiful.
Stunning photos and love your selfie. Look at those claws!
Maybe that’s where they are going to put the red carpet for you to walk on?
You live in such a beautiful area. Your dad is talented and very thoughtful to build you a covered walkway to get in and out of the pet door. Then he doesn’t need to shovel snow out of the entire stairwell for you to get out.
I’m thinking if we lived near those views, we’d take walks too! Instead, we’re lazy like our cats and just lay around the house. Hahaha.
it’s a teleporting tunnel!!!! Now you can come to the U.S. to see your furiends!