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I have blissful slumber ; blissful, because thanks to you, I will be able to make a nice donation to my favorite shelter after my commentathon.

Thank you again for participating, and for helping me help friends in need !
Enjoy your nap Zorro!!!
You and your family are good cat friends!!!!!
Purrs, Julie
That is very nice of you.
That is good news, Zorro. You can sleep peacefully now.
That’s so great, Zorro. Congratulations on such a successful commentathon. Happy napping!
We support anyone who cares for homeless pets, and thank you for doing the same.
That’s wonderful, they will sure appreciate it. Enjoy your snoozy Zorro!
You do look blissful and so sweet. C.J. is happy you got her Gotcha Day kisses, and she was delighted to get yours in return. She sends more. Glad you are able to make the donation to help friends in need. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet
Purrfect! We’re glad you got lots of comments.
You look very relaxed, Zorro.
that is super super great Zorro…
What great news, Zorro!
Glad to hear the commentathon brought joy to a shelter!!
Hugs, Teddy
Happy to be a small part of your comentathon. Yay for the shelter.
Great job with the commentathon. That is so kind of you to help cats in need. XO
So cute!
you’re welcome!
zorro……total lee awesum dood !!! and wavez two ewe pixie
HURRAH!!!! Wee so happy you were abell to raise THE $money$ an makess a doe-nation Zorro!! Mee iss thinkin of doin a Commint-athon fore mee 10th Birfday inn May fore mee fave Rescue…..thankx fore THE idea!
***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
The hard work is done: have a nice sleep!
you deserve a good nap Zorro!!
Enjoying a nice nap seems well deserved after raising money for your favorite shelter!
All those kitties in need will thank you from the bottom of their little hearts.
That’s wonderful!