Tag Archives: Shop

Our favorite toy : Neko Fly

A few weeks ago, we were delighted to receive a big package on behalf of Schulze Heimtierbedarf in whom there was food, treats (we’ll soon speak to you about it), litter (we speak to you about it here), and toys.

Our favorite toy, that’s it : Neko Fly, with a choice of several critters.
Neko birbug
Kiticatterfly Foxifur
We love that toy ! The critter rocks in a irresistible way at the end of a string and looks like to be mistaken with a real prey there.
Pixie et Zorro 61

Thanks to the generosity of Schulze Heimtierbedarf and Neko Flies, you can win a Neko Fly critter ! The giveaway is open to our readers worldwide.

Thankful Friday : Schulze Heimtierbedarf

Pixie with a Neko Fly
We dreamed we could play with a Neko Fly : we had so much heard about it by our American furriends ! Thanks to a German friend (we completely forgot who !), we learnt that we could find it at Schulze Heimtierbedarf : our dream became true !

We shared our enjoyment with Nekochan and Schulze Heimtierbedarf, and not long after, we received an enormous box : Dirk Schulze sent us toys and samples of products which we can find at Schulze Heimtierbedarf. How generous !
Schulze package
Litter :
Soft Cat Litter
Toys :
Schulze nip

Tick Tock Teaser
Food :
Schulze food
As we do not review food, we chose to offer the food we received to a shelter..

Treats :
Schulze treats
We kept those ones !

And another Neko Fly !
Neko birbug
We’ll tell you about these various products in the next weeks. Good weekend !

These products were given us free of charge and we did not receive other compensation. The expressed opinions are only ours.

Where to find Jackson Galaxy products in French-speaking Switzerland ?

We have an incredible piece of news to share with you : Jackson Galaxy products are available next to our home ! Imagine our excitement when our friend Ludovic told us that he had Jackson Galaxy products in his store Aniland in Collombey !!!

JG toys
Jackson Galaxy is a famous American behaviorist ; we have already spoken about his books here and here. He multiplies the activities (consultations, work with shelters, books, conferences, television programs, …) for a single cause : animal welfare in general, and feline in particular. He also developed a whole range of products intended for cats or for their humans. He also has a foundation which promotes the education of people who have cats as well as the arrangement of shelters better adapted to cats.

Ludovic generously offered us toys to test, and we are over the moon ! There are even tips for your humans on the back of the packaging ! See rather :

JG verso
But our favorite toy, it’s the Air Prey Wand, with retractable rope and telescopic wand :




And you, what is your favorite toy ?