Tag Archives: Spring

Autumn weather in May

As you can see, I am not happy: Claire had 4 days off for the Feast of the Ascension and planned to spend a good part of that time in the garden, but that was not possible.

The weather was generally cold and rainy, interspersed with some rare and short clearings, to the point that our tomato plantings are confined (them too!) in the laundry.

And it’s gonna be like this at least until Wednesday !

Claire is less grumpy than me: she’s glad she doesn’t have to water what she’s already planted.

These humans… They really have a funny logic !

A little sprig of lily of the valley

We interrupt our afternoon snuggles to announce that our buddy Ducky was the luckiest in the giveaway of our 9th blogoversary.

One last check on our teleportation tunnel, and we can send him his surprise package !

The warm temperatures of the previous week allowed Claire to open the vegetable garden season, and Zorro to take advantage of the freshly turned soil to… I mean, you get it.

Our lily of the valley was even in bloom for May 1st : let us offer you a sprig !

Happy 9th blogoversary !

We took a big break in early spring : no article, few visits to other blogs, Claire needed to disconnect, really.

We’re back just in time to celebrate our blogoversary : 9 years ! It’s been 9 years since we integrated the feline blogosphere thanks to our angel Loupi. We discovered a fantastic community, we made friends, we lost sight of some, and we found others.

We started to publish randomly, then more regularly, up to 3 times a week for 2 or 3 years, then we went back to 2 and then 1 publication a week.

To celebrate our blogoversary, we offer you a surprise package consisting of 9 articles that we have specially chosen for you. Try your luck !